Resource Library

By participating in this program students are learning how to recycle right, while having the opportunity to drink milk. Below are some of the resources available to help your school share what the program is and how it works.
Milk Poster
Measure Meter Poster
Tracking twice a year is optional, but highly recommended as a way to encourage your school community’s recycling efforts. During periods of tracking, use this poster to display your results. Use the results with the Impact Calculator.
Realizing Recycling Results
A step by step guide to using your Measure Meter poster to track and measure your school’s recycling efforts.
Recycling Impact Calculator
Calculate your school’s potential recycling impact to encourage participation and promote further recycling education. Use this interactive page to calculate your results instantly or print this page and have students do the math!
French version coming soon!
Parent Info Sheet
Share with families that your school has milk available and inform them how students are working together to recycle right and reduce waste from going to the landfill.
A reference for new and returning milk coordinators. Steps to running a successful program in your school.
CLASSROOM – Participation Guide
This resource is for schools where classrooms collect their beverage containers in a designated bin for Moo Crew pick up and recycling. Provide this handout to classroom teachers, so they can share your school’s recycling process with their students.
French version coming soon!
STUDENT – Participation Guide
This resource is for schools where students are responsible for recycle their own beverage containers right! Provide this handout to classroom teachers, so they can share your school’s recycling process with their students.
French version coming soon!
School Milk Resources
Use these resources to set up your milk program.
Milk Delivery Contact Sheets
Looking to order milk for your school? Below is contact information from some of the milk delivery services available in Manitoba. Alternately, many rural schools have had success connecting with their local grocery store to set up a regular milk order.
Delivery Contact Sheet: Winnipeg Delivery / COLOUR
Delivery Contact Sheet: Winnipeg Delivery / BW
Delivery Contact Sheet: Rural Delivery / BW
*Dairy Farmers of Canada is not affiliated with and does not endorse any of the listed services. For questions please contact the providers directly.
Milk tickets are an easy way for students to redeem milk, while removing the need to exchange money on a daily basis. Milk tickets can be purchased by families in advance. Using a pre-payment system means parents don’t have to remember to send money to school every day and it also cuts down on the time your school spends administering the program.
When tickets are for sale and for what price is a school-based decision. Use the complimentary templates below or create your school’s own tickets!
Milk Ticket Sheet (20per page)
Milk Ticket Sheet (12per page)
Using a pre-ordering system means parents don’t have to remember to send money to school every day and school’s know how much milk to order each month and how many units to distribute milk each day.
- How to set up a monthly milk order
- Monthly milk order form
Setting Up a Monthly Milk Order / COLOUR
Setting Up Monthly Milk Order / BW
Monthly Milk Order Form / COLOUR
Monthly Milk Order Form / BW
Milk Order Class List ENG. / COLOUR
Milk Order Class List ENG. / BW
Milk Order Class List ENG. / EXCEL
Milk Order Class List FR. / COLOUR
Milk Order Class List FR. / BW
Milk Order Class List FR. / EXCEL